=== Events Calendar === Contributors: snumb130, heirem, laplix Donate link: http://www.wp-eventscalendar.com/donate Version: Tags: widget, admin, sidebar, plugin, javascript, date, time, calendar, thickbox, jquery, tooltip, ajax Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 2.6.1 Stable tag: Events-Calendar is a diverse replacement for the original calendar included with WordPress adding many useful functions to keep track of your events. The plugin has an easy to use admin section that displays a big readable calendar and lets you add and delete events. The plugin is widget ready so you can easily add a small calendar to the main sidebar with the ability to roll over the highlighted event day to see a brief description of the event or click the day to get a full description of the event without ever leaving your current page. If you are not using a widget ready theme, you can still have the calendar on your sidebar. Simply place "" in the sidebar file. The widget can also show a specified number of events as a list. You will find these options under the widget option. == Description == Events-Calendar is a diverse replacement for the original calendar included with WordPress adding many useful functions to keep track of your events. The plugin has an easy to use admin section that displays a big readable calendar and lets you add and delete events. The plugin is widget ready so you can easily add a small calendar to the main sidebar with the ability to roll over the highlighted event day to see a brief description of the event or click the day to get a full description of the event without ever leaving your current page. If you are not using a widget ready theme, you can still have the calendar on your sidebar. Simply place "" in the sidebar file. The widget can also show a specified number of events as a list. You will find these options under the widget option. The ability to add a large public calendar is now available by posting a page and adding "[[EventsCalendarLarge]]" to the page content to create a stand alone calendar page. Also, when entering an event from the admin section, you can check the box saying "Create Post for Event", which will cause a post to be created with the event information. Additional features are being added regularly so make sure that you keep up to date on upcoming changes and new features by subscribing to the RSS feed - http://www.lukehowell.com/feed. Events-Calendar should normally be taken care over by Heirem in the future. More information about at http://heirem.fr == Installation == 1. Upload `events-calendar` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/ directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Set options under Events Calendar/Options on the admin menu. When updating you will need to deactivate and reactivate the plugin. == Screenshots == 1. Events Calendar Admin 2. Events Calendar Options 3. Events Calendar Widget Options 4. Events Calendar as Widget Calendar 5. Events Calendar as Widget List 6. Events Calendar as Large Calendar == Change Log ==
Fixed tooltip type in ec_js.class.php
Version 6.5.2 realised by Heirem,
Fixed Some corrections in recording into database.
Fixed Bug in jQuery plugin Datepicker 1.5.2 : replace ui.datepicker.min.js by ui.datepicker.js
Fixed In the small calendar navigation fails with the passage of years
Fixed Implementation of effective jQuery extreme conflict management
Added Option checkbox : jQuery extrem protection or not
Fixed With some databases the 'EventsCalendar_main' table creation was not at the activation plugin
Added Updated jQuery Tooltip in 1.3
Added jQuery bgiframe plugin for correcting Tooltips with IE
Fixed jQuery event change() replaced by click() to work with IE
Version 6.5.1 realised by Heirem,
Fixed Some optimisations of code in routines
Fixed Validation W3C XHTML 1.0
Fixed Conflicts jQuery code optionnal due to issues in navigation months in calendar
Added Function to displays Events List in the sidebar without widgets.
Fixed Links in Javascript code to réfresh calendar when permalinks issues
Fixed Management of the coma during events records
Version 6.5 realised by Heirem, with the active participation of Maida, Andy, Pepawo, Justin, Mayur
Fixed Conflicts jQuery with orther plugin like cforms
Fixed Options are now initialized at the activation
Fixed Line moved for compatibility with Role Scoper
Fixed The days of the week are now displayed correctly in short format for the Slavic languages in UTF-8
Fixed Event List is now localized
Fixed The day of the week now corresponding to the date in all latitudes
Fixed The dot is now supported as a separator for the interpretation of the date
Fixed The creation of an event can not be done with a empty title
Added Submenu Add Event
Added Event List diplay a message when there is no events
Added An event can now be linked to an article. A click on the Large calendar or in the Events list in sidebar opens the corresponding page
Added The ThickBox is now a little larger
Added An option to indiquet the adaptation of the stylesheet plugin
Added In modification of event you can associate a post with its ID
Added CSS Rules for the today date in the options
Added Possibility to link an event to an external link to the site by its URI
Version 6.4.1
Added fix localization based on the Wordpress classe locale.php instead PHP function set_locale();
Added Spain, German and Czech langages files.
Version 6.4
Added fix for file_get_contents by Ian72.
Added localization by Heirem. Also added French language files.
Version 6.3.2
Change in time and date format. (Ron)
Added option to change length of day names in calendars (Ron)
Fixed bug for event list tooltip.
Version 6.3.1
Fixed bug with using newlines in description of event
Fixed bug with file_get_contents
Added option to pick CSS formatting for the days with events in the widgets.
Verison 6.3
Fixed major bug pointed out by Ron. When month was changing, calendar was disappearing. This is fixed.
Version 6.2
Ron added css for high lighting the current day in large calendar. This can be edited in the events-calendar.css file. Id is #todayLarge
For widget calendar, if the theme style sheet provides style then the current date will be marked with theme styling. If the theme does not contain this style then the current date will be with a red border.
Fixed bug of showing all events in thickbox regardless of visibility level.
Version 6.1
Added Time Picker for time entries
Fixed some access level issues and clearing duplicate entries.
Took out COLLATE from database sql
Dates will not reset when plugin
Version 6.0.12
Fixed type in time entry.
Version 6.0.11
Fixed css not allowing day header to show in IE
Version 6.0.10
Fixed edit form to make location to update.
Version 6.0.9
Hopefully, fixed conflict with NextGEN Gallery. Thanks, LUcky.
Fixed problem with quotes in text entries.
Verison 6.0.8
Fixed some AJAX stuff for the calendar update messing with CSS.
Version 6.0.7
Fixed some database entries for old versions.
Version 6.0.6
Change str_ireplace to str_replace for use with php4
Version 6.0.4
Added functionality for the visibility level of each event.
Changed the event list view to show events that have not ended yet, not only events that started before current day.
Version 6.0.3
Dates now show in the events list view.
Version 6.0.2
Fixed datbase problem, hopefully.
Version 6.0.0
Calendar is formatted the same as wordpress calendar. Widget will take theme settings.
Added Thickbox when day is clicked on. Shows more event details.
Added ajax fuction for changing months.
Version 5.8.3
Added feature to identify current day (Added by Diego)
Version 5.8.2
Added option to choose the color of the text display when you hover over an event date. Also rearranged the menu a little in the widget options.
Version 5.8.1
Fixed some alignment errors.
Version 5.8.0
Fixed some of the cache problems that were occurring because of permissions to write to the directories. I basically just took it out so the cache will not be used.
Also added the ability to select the visibility level of the events. You can choose the level of access that is required to see the events. All existing events will default to Public access. You will need to deactivate and reactivate the plugin to make sure that the database gets updated.
Version 5.7.15
Added a widget option to allow for the choosing of font size in the widget.
Version 5.7.14
Fixed some css stuff.
Version 5.7.13
Hopefully cleared up the Fatal Cache Error when trying to use iCal.
Version 5.7.12
Added link to widget title that will carry you to the admin page for the calendar
Version 5.7.11
Moved the Events Calendar tab under the Manage tab to show easier with Wordpress 2.5.
Version 5.7.10
Feature Added - Support for K2 sidebar modules has been added. When you extract the plugin you will see a new folder. If you are not using K2 sidebar modules then there is nothing extra you need to do. If you are wanting to use this as a K2 sidebar module you will have to upload a file to the K2 theme. The file is located in the plugin folder under the folder k2-module. This file inside must be uploaded to the k2 module folder. The directory is as follows: wp-content/themes/k2/app/modules
Version 5.6.10
Bug Fix - Fixed errors caused in PHP4 with ical parsing
Version 5.5.10
Bug Fix - Displaying duplicate March in drop down menu on widget.
Version 5.5.9
Added ability to show events from ical. There is still some issue with irregular occurrances. However, seems to work fine with DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY standard reccurring events.
Version 4.5.9
Bug Fix - Error cause by themes not containging
Version 4.5.8
Bug Fix - Fixed error caused by using single quotes.
Added Spanish translation from Covi
Changed events list format to show current days events as well as future.
Version 4.4.7
Added ability for multiple languages, patch from Rauli Haverinen
Added Finnish translation files from Rauli Haverinen
Version 3.4.6
Just straightened some code.
Version 3.4.5
Code beautification
Version 3.3.5
Took out donate link as it is on my site now.
Version 3.3.4
Added fix from Kerwin Kanago to correct problem in php4 fix from Brett Minnie
Version 3.3.3
Set color of text to black in hover box. Fixed problem showing up with themes with light color text.
Added option to choose minimum user level to edit event. (You must go to widget options and resave them or management page will not show up)
Versino 2.3.2
Bug Fix - Calendar wouldn't accept events with day having leading zero. Converted string to int to fix.
Version 2.2.2
Bug Fix - Problem caused with redeclaring str_split
Version 2.2.1
Display Calendar as upcoming event list. (revision by Dan Coulter - http://www.dancoulter.com)
Choose diplay format of Date and Time. (revision by Dan Coulter)
Version 1.2.1
Hide empty fields. (suggestion by Dan Coulter)
php4 fix. (revision by Brett Minnie - http://www.fractalmetal.co.za)
Version 1.1.1
Bug Fix - Wordpress variabl clashing with events variable. Fixed bug displaying archives.
Version 1.1.0
Title Option
Day Name Length Option
Version 1.0.0
First release.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= I use a theme with a dark background. My events don't show well in the large calendar view. =
in the css folder there is a file called events-calendar.css. This file has the css for the calendar. It is commented as Large Calendar.