=== Twitter for Wordpress === Tags: twitter Requires at least: 2.1 Tested up to: 3.0 Stable tag: trunk Donate link: http://rick.jinlabs.com/donate/ Twitter for WordPress displays yours latest tweets in your WordPress blog. == Description == Twitter for WordPress displays yours latest tweets in your WordPress blog. **Features** * Simply * Customizable * Widget support * No options page (yes, its a feature) * Uses Wordpress resources (no extra files needed) * Detects URLs, e-mail address and @username replies **Usage** If you use WordPress widgets, just drag the widget into your sidebar and configure. If widgets are not your thing, use the following code to display your public Twitter messages: `` For more info (options, customization, etc.) visit [the plugin homepage](http://rick.jinlabs.com/code/twitter "Twitter for Wordpress"). **Customization** The plug in provides the following CSS classes: * ul.twitter: the main ul (if list is activated) * li.twitter-item: the ul items (if list is activated) * p.twitter-message: each one of the paragraphs (if msgs > 1) * .twitter-timestamp: the timestamp span class * a.twitter-link: the tweet link class * a.twitter-user: the @username reply link class == Installation == Drop twitter-for-Wordpress folder (or even twitter.php) into /wp-content/plugins/ and activate the plug in the Wordpress admin area. == Credits == [Ronald Heft](http://cavemonkey50.com/) - The plugin is highly based in his Pownce for Wordpress, so the major part of the credits goes to him. [Michael Feichtinger](http://bohuco.net/blog) - For the multi-widget feature. Michael Voigt - #trendingtopics regexp Allen Shaw - link's regexp finetune == Contact == Suggestion, fixes, rants, congratulations, gifts et al to rick[at]jinlabs.com